Addiction impacts tens of millions of people nationwide. One of the reasons it is such a prevalent issue is because those who try to quit are surprised at how difficult it can be.
But, why can’t you quit so easily? In this article, we will discuss why addiction is so difficult to beat and how to do so effectively.
Why Is Quitting So Hard?
You might think that changing your substance abuse habit is as easy as stopping, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Addiction is a physical, mental, and emotional disease.
It causes changes to the brain that mean that you can’t quit without professional support.
This is because the more you use drugs or alcohol, the more your brain’s reward system associates positive feelings with your substance abuse and vice versa.
Over time, this can make it incredibly difficult to resist using drugs or alcohol, even if you want to.
Understanding The Brain’s Relationship With Drugs
As you continue to use drugs, not only does your brain crave it, it begins to become used to it.
Eventually, the amount that you use may not have the same rewarding effects that it once did.
This means you will have to use more and more just to achieve the effect you are looking for, which is a sign of addiction.
The feedback loop that causes you to need more is one of the key contributing factors of addiction.
Because your body becomes used to the drugs you are taking, it also begins to depend on the chemicals to regulate it.
If you stop taking them altogether, your body will have an adverse reaction because it is used to the presence of drugs in its system.
You may start to feel irritable, fatigued, nauseous, anxious, depressed, or experience trouble sleeping or eating.
In more serious cases, drug withdrawals can cause medical emergencies. This can encourage you to continue down the same pathway because taking the drugs is a way to get the discomfort you are experiencing stopped.
How Can I Quit?
The good news is that addiction can be treated and you can beat it. Professional addiction treatment is the best way to do this, but there are also some things you can do on your own. Here are a few tips:
- Get rid of all drugs and alcohol from your home. This will make it less likely that you’ll relapse.
- Join a support group or talk to someone who has beaten addiction themselves. This can give you the encouragement and motivation you need to stay on track.
- Replace your addictive behavior with something healthy, like exercise or meditation.
- Take care of yourself by eating well and getting enough sleep.
Another good way to help yourself quit is to start seeing a therapist. If they can address the underlying issues that are causing you to turn to drugs or alcohol, you will be more likely to stay sober or seek medical help if you have withdrawal symptoms for they will be able to help you on how to stop the shakes from alcohol.
If you can’t seem to quit on your own (or if your addiction is serious and could cause dangerous withdrawals), it is important to seek professional help.
A qualified addiction specialist will be able to create a treatment plan that is tailored specifically for you and will include therapies like behavioral therapy, medication-assisted treatment, and detoxification.
The most important thing, though, is not to give up on yourself. Addiction can be a difficult disease to overcome, but with the right tools and support, it is possible.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help from professionals or loved ones. They will be more than happy to support you on your road to recovery.