Leaning in class isn’t always easy. Some students just can’t seem to focus when learning comes in the form of a book.
Others have trouble understanding because they can’t correctly visualize the concept. In some cases, they can’t focus because the class is too loud or simply feel unmotivated.
As a teacher, the priority is to help your students learn how to approach new subjects and ideas, possibly making it easier for them to absorb information. So, here are some tech tools that can help students’ attention.
1. Remove All Distractions With Cold Turkey
Since many students get distracted by social apps and other sites, Cold Turkey prevents that from happening. It blocks the selected sites, making them inaccessible.
Thus, it isolates the task given by the teacher so students can work on it without distracting themselves.
Moreover, many apps like Cold Turkey are even more complex and can be added to mobile phones with a specific schedule that blocks sites, email, notifications, and more.
Even college students can benefit from blocking sites so they can focus on their tasks.
For instance, they can block socials to work with their college paper writing service and finish their paper due next week.
Limiting the accessibility of particular apps is helpful for kids, older students, and anyone who doesn’t want to get distracted.
2. Eliminate Noise With Background Noise
Most of us need silence to focus on a task, and so do students. Background Noise cancels excess noise and offers a progressively quieter environment for work.
This solution is handy for silent and individual tasks, big classrooms, and possibly younger students.
It can be used in other work environments and can prove very beneficial for various neurotypes.
3. Use Headsets For Better Learning
Another way to eliminate noise and help students focus is using headsets. Alternatively to Background Noise, students can choose their own background music or noise, separately from others, while canceling other sounds in the classroom.
They can play calming instrumental music or classical music or, depending on the task, play their favorite tunes while they work alone. This is great when some students work in pairs while others don’t.
Also, headsets can be connected to a central device that distributes the same audio in all headsets.
This proves very useful, especially when your students are talkative during lessons or have auditory disorders.
4. Help Students Take Notes Better With Logitech Pen Or Crayon
The Logitech Pen (Google) or Crayon (Apple) is a versatile tool for taking notes. It offers an array of options. Here are a few examples:
- Writing with a pen on digital support.
- Pairing devices for collaboration.
- Drawing and mapping.
- Templates.
- Images.
This proves to be an excellent tool for taking great notes that catch anyone’s eye and get students excited about learning and studying.
5. Encourage Them To Get Involved With Venngage
You can create your lessons and have an instant reply from your students with Venngage. This way, students aren’t passively absorbing information.
Instead, they’re offering feedback that helps them remember information better and motivates them to study.
Imagine how easy it is for a student to remember pictures instead of words.
Graphs, images, drawings, and other customizable features can assist in understanding the lesson better and studying it on the spot.
6. Have Instant Quiz With Clickers
As you present your lesson and ask questions, students can answer. Next, you can see the results in real-time.
It’s great for shy students or to give everyone the chance to answer questions.
7. Quiz Them More With Factile
Another tool for quizzing is Factile. You can create beautiful quizzes in a second and engage your students in a colorful and digital experience.
8.Make Revising Easy With Google Forms
Google offers a multitude of apps to help with learning and teaching. However, one of the most versatile tools is Google Forms.
It’s a simple strategy: most students love anything digital, and Google Forms is the digital version of a paper quiz.
You can help students revise by creating a form and asking them test-like questions.
Then, the correction is straightforward and enables you to understand the class’ level of preparation.
Additionally, with Google Forms, you can ask students about the quality of your lessons and suggestions. Some students are too shy to complain or suggest something in class.
Nevertheless, when they learn how to use Google Forms, they can express their opinion anonymously.
9. Help Them Work In Pairs With Goosechase
One effective way to not get distracted is to work with someone. With Goosechase, students get to know each other through scavenger hunts and other games.
For older students who have difficulty writing or organizing their work, you can look for college essay writers for hire.
Online services can prove really useful when students don’t want to work on their own and are lost.
10. Have An All-In-One App With Nearpod
With Nearpod, many tools like Youtube and Slides are combined to offer you an innovative tool.
It makes any content interactive, and it varies the visual aspects of what you present.
The internet offers a myriad of apps and gadgets to help students concentrate.
From using headsets and Background Noise to using quizzes, digital pens, and blocking distractions, you can choose the best option for your students.