Marketing surrounds us all: consumers of services and providers of services. Marketing is not only about selling new fashion collections or the latest smartphone models.
Every time we interview, we sell our own knowledge and skills. Whenever we host a party, we want it to be a memorable event.
And maybe we don’t use marketing strategies in these cases, but they would be very useful to us.
So, marketing has been an incredibly popular field of science in recent decades.
Currently, an experienced marketer must be able to present the product to customers, promote it on social networks and outdoor advertising, and engage in development on the go with the latest technologies.
When it comes to CBD, most people don’t understand what it is. The first thing to say is that CBD is one of the two most frequent elements of marijuana.
Back in the first half of the last century, researchers discovered that the cannabis plant consists of more than one hundred and ten cannabinoids, special chemical compounds.
Research has been going on worldwide since the 1940s, but the best cbds were not invented until recently.
Scientists have also proven that most cannabis is THC, followed by CBD and all others.
THC is a compound responsible for stimulating the brain to produce dopamine, the hormone of joy.
This element is considered the most harmful because it affects the human brain and can cause addiction.
As for CBD, this element plays the role of a “good guy”. The key characteristics of СBD include a calming effect, pain relief, restlessness, and anxiety reduction. Sometimes it can be used as an anti-inflammatory.
For example, CBD is often used in skin or hair care products. Many teen anti-acne products contain CBD for these very reasons.
Some consumers are happy to use cbd oil shampoos, lotions, shower gels, face washes, or even hand creams.
There are also those who use CBD not because of desire but because of need.
Due to the healing properties of CBD, it is often used to relieve the symptoms of various diseases (such as cancer or depression) or to treat seizures in Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut syndromes and tuberous sclerosis complex.
Best Marketing Strategy Techniques
Brand Storytelling
Neuroscience research proves that storytelling is one of the most effective ways of attracting attention.
The method of formal protection of many emotions often remembers this one, which creates a resonance, so the recipient easily remembers the information.
An ordinary person’s brain is designed to respond positively to a well-formed narrative, and it is difficult to argue with that.
When selling CBD products online, you should create a web page about the brand, its mission, and its products.
The most popular methodologies are Simon Sinek’s Find Your Why, Hero’s Journey, and Donald Miller’s Storybrand.
However, just one About page will not be enough. It is important to encourage the consumer to maintain his interest.
E-mail from your site should be interesting, interactive, the kind that the recipient will read with pleasure, and not sent to the spam folder.
A narrative that accumulates accumulated emotions and resonates with the reader’s state is more effective than claiming that you have the best CBD.
Digital PR
This technique mainly attracts new customers and draws attention to your brand. According to 2020 data, the average person spends almost three hours daily on social networks.
Obviously, this data does not surprise us because, in the modern era of advanced technologies, we can use social networks both for communicating with friends (which is their main desire) and for reading news, ordering food, buying tickets, planning trips, sales, or creativity (which are secondary tasks).
So digital PR is a story about how to use online advertising appropriately.
If it is enough to hang a billboard on on-street advertising, then on social networks, advertising must correspond to the context of the blog and the situations in which the target audience is.
Contextual Marketing
Contextual marketing is personalizing the content of your web pages to visitors based on their stage of the “buyer journey”.
The idea is to grab the buyer’s attention as much as possible by showing the part of your website that most fits the buyer’s needs.
The most individual approach is extremely important in this case. However, this is not easy to achieve. So how do you put it into practice?
First of all, all your dynamic CTAs are extremely important because by using them, the user avoids irrelevant offers, so he does not get nervous but enjoys the purchase. Moreover, this method reduces banner blindness.
Every client values their time, so they are happy with this approach. Using a variety of surveys helps improve the user experience, but these surveys mustn’t overwhelm users with too many questions.
E-mail distribution is also an important component of this method, but you need to understand that each user has his own needs. If all users receive the same letter, this distribution will not be effective.
Community Building
The goal of this method is obviously to build long-term engagement of the recipient in interaction with the sales product.
This method also helps to boost brand awareness, as there is a relationship building between the buyer and the company, as well as between the users of the products.
Currently, many brands create online communities: on social networks, their own forums, or others.
This method requires a complex approach because creating a Facebook group for users of your daily cbd is not enough.
Investing a lot of resources in communication is necessary to try different methods of attracting their attention.
Constant communication with customers, consideration of their wishes, social activity, and brand recognition are all mandatory attributes of Community Building.
Currently, there are many marketing strategies that allow you to sell your product successfully.
However, it is also important to understand that the same strategy can be applied differently depending on the product to be sold and who the brand’s target audience is.
It is important that your company’s marketing manager constantly develops, learns about new methods, and is not afraid to take responsibility for the creative experiments of his team.