If your poetry quote is longer than 3 lines, and your prose – longer than 4 lines, then your paper definitely needs some block quotes.
They are used specifically for long quotations, and you just can’t miss out with them.
And double points if you need them in MLA style! But how can you format them? Read this article to find out!
1. Don’t Paraphrase
It is important to use the MLA format block quote in the same way as the original text.
You absolutely must use the same capitalization, line breaks and punctuation as the source text.
Include page numbers and author last names (if any) in your in-text citations.
Indent all your paragraphs in a block quote that has more than one sentence.
2. Format Your Quote
The text must contain block quotes. Be sure you make them double-spaced if your original text was also double spaced.
Make the indentations be half an inch below the left margin.
The first line in a block quote should, as with other citations, be indented 0.25 inches.
Double-spacing should be used throughout the paragraph.
Block quotes should not be more than half an inch away from the left margin.
The quotation should not be indented before the closing punctuation.
If the quotation is longer than a poem or a sentence, it should be indented.
Your instructor can help you with the formatting of a quote.
You can ask them for help with formatting.
So, start using MLA format block quotes! You’ll be able to make your paper beautiful!
Creating Block Quotes In MLA: Tips
Sometimes formatting a block quote can be a little harder than you think.
Here we will try and help you out with a few neat tricks that could help you with your quoting!
1. Focus On Your Quote
Analyzing the quoted text is the best way to reference a block quotation in MLA.
The block quote must not appear in the paragraph’s last sentence.
For writing plays or poems, the MLA format guide is helpful.
For referencing Shakespearean plays you can find the right formatting.
This format is great for creating an academic paper you can be proud to present.
2. Stick To The Formatting Rules
Long block quotes should not be separated.
Block quotes must be placed at the right margin, one-half inch apart.
You don’t have to use quotation marks when citing a poem line.
Instead, put the author’s last and page numbers along with date of publication.
You should include a lengthy quote if you are using a book.
3. Don’t Mix And Match
Block quotes are a standalone quotation. You should not include it in quotes.
It should also be introduced by a colon, and then begin on a different line.
It must be double-spaced regardless of whether the rest is single-spaced.
Additionally, you should add the page number, author’s last name, and the publication date.
Place a comma after and before the slash if it’s a poem.
4. Remember to Cite
When using a block quote, the author’s name should be at the beginning of the quotation.
The quote should have the author’s name at the beginning.
Remember to include page numbers and the date for the book or poem in your citations.
It may be challenging for students to learn the MLA formatting sheet.
It is important to place citations in an essay’s body correctly.
5. Separate Your Block Quotes
A block quote that is taken from a poem can be included in a separate paragraph.
You can, for example, include the entire poem in one quote.
Next, insert the quotation in the middle of your sentence.
If you are using prose blocks quotes, your lines must be no more than four lines.
If the text is longer than four lines, you should use an ellipsis.
To make the passage more understandable, the quotation marks must be included within the quotes.
6. Stick To One Formatting Style
Indenting a block quote from MLA format should take at most half an inch.
If it is longer than a page, you should use a colon before the quote.
The block quotation should have a lead line and a bibliography at its end.
Allow no more than two inches to be added between the block quote and the next paragraph.
APA style has a line of lead-in after each block quote.
If you use a block quotation in APA format, it is necessary to include the quote into your text.
Indent the whole passage at least half an inch.
The citation and lead-in sentences should both be added.
Block quotes are best added this way. This is the best way for it to be incorporated into your paper.
You don’t have to limit the number of copies you can use.