About Auto Whatsapp Business Sender Turbo Pro Download :
Auto Whatsapp Business Sender Turbo Pro is an ultimate WhatsApp Messaging solution with a wide collection of option and services give the user more flexibility when they are sending their campaigns. these solutions allow users to send WhatsApp Campaigns in a very simple way more over provide them tools to filter and verify WhatsApp numbers, grab WhatsApp contact from WhatsApp groups.
Auto Whatsapp Business Sender Turbo Pro Features :
Auto Whatsapp Business Sender Turbo Pro provides an Anti-Blocking technique which reduces the chance of getting banned and keeps WhatsApp account safe.
- Multi Account ( Multi Channel )
- Multi File Sending Better Handling
- Turbo Mode Sending Unlimited Messages
- Send Multi-Multimedia Message (Photos, Videos , Documents)
- Whatsapp Numbers Generator
- Whatsapp Numbers Filters (Support Mufti-Accounts)
- Whatsapp Groups Contacts Grabber (Get Whatsapp contacts from groups)
- Anti Block Module
- Multi text message (reduce chance of blocking)
- Advanced Internal dialogs (reduce chance of blocking)
- Sleep Control after X amounts of messages
- Connection Speed control delay Between message
- Sending Customized Message
- This is a windows desktop application , not working on MAC, LINUX or Android
- This tool is test on Windows 7/8/10
- This tool allows you to communicate with recipients that expect receive your messages (Eg. Clients , students , patients , etc. .), and it’s NOT A SPAM TOOL AND SENDING TO RANDOM NUMBERS LEAD TO BLOCK ACCOUNT… , and 1 m not responsible if you got Blocked
- This application require Microsoft .net framework 4.6 or greater.